Korea's Samsung has unveiled a new version and upgraded version of its eight-processor cores for mobile devices Exynos 5 Octa. The company said that the new version is characterized by technology "heterogeneous multiprocessing" HMP, which allows better exploitation of processor cores compared to the previous generation.
Based processor on the same architectural big.LITTLE the previous generation, which consists of two tranches, each quad-core processor, but the first generation was not able to only run a single chip Bonuetha four at one time, while allowing the new generation operating tranches together Btaguethma maximum eight cores , as running any number of nuclei at the level of tranches according to the task required.
According to Samsung that the new processor contributes more effectively to provide energy for the tasks that do not require the processing power of a large, such as reading books or surfing the Internet, while still able to handle tasks that require high capacity such as running a high-definition video or the big games by activating the number the appropriate processor cores.
The company said that the new generation of processor Exynos 5 Octa will be available to consumers during the last quarter of the current year.
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