20. Huwaei Ascend G33
he Ascend G330 is a solid performer. It's bland in use, has the ability to run even the a lot of ambitious apps actual well, and although not badly agitative to attending at and hold, the display's ablaze and ablaze abundant to drag it aloft some of the tattier account models.
And it's absolutely added able than the old Ascend G300, with hardly any glitches if downloading/updating apps and abyssal the buzz at the aforementioned time.
It delivers a abundant smartphone acquaintance for the money with hardly any accessible compromises.
19. Samsung Ativ S

Thanks to an accomplished build, acceptable specs, able-bodied accumulator and an accessible physique design, the Ativ S is an accomplished WP8 option.
While Windows Phone 8 is absolutely absent in the app department, it's still a affluent abundant eco-system for many, and the glassy curve of the Ativ S admonish us accurately of added high-end Samsung phones.
Samsung has absolutely one-upped the antagonism by including a disposable battery, and added importantly, microSD storage. One of our better complaints with the HTC 8X was its paltry 16GB of amplitude and abridgement of disposable storage.
18. Motorola Razr HD

Motorola ability not be anywhere abreast the aciculate end of the smartphone bazaar these canicule (or, indeed, ever) but it still makes a half-decent anchor of a mid-range smartphone.
While this buzz lacks in some areas (let's be honest: a bifold amount processor doesn't get anyone's affection antagonism any more, admitting getting able to handle a lot of tasks you can bandy at it) it still has a bright screen, a simple OS and a absolutely able array at its heart.
Many will be taken by the about banal Android belvedere it uses, and the actuality it's got an added HDMI anchorage agency it's simple to accompany your buzz up to a big screen.
It doesn't amount the earth, which is a key application as able-bodied in these financially-addled times - although you can get a Galaxy S3 for the aforementioned money.
17. Sony Xiperia Z

We acclimated to adulation the Xperia Arc S - but we're a arbitrary bunch, and now Ericsson has been casting aside, we're all over the new cast like a cat on a beginning set of curtains.
The Xperia S about has too abounding absolute credibility to list, with a HD screen, 12MP camera and dual-core processor all accumulation to accomplish one of the finest smartphones of 2012.
As you will accumulate from our review, the Sony Xperia S has both a superior awning and a dual-core processor that never slows down - additional that 12MP camera is still added than half-decent.
Sony has aswell actual attentive arranged lots of software with the Xperia S out of the box, which saves you accepting to birr to Google Play as anon as you about-face on to grab basic apps.
Battery activity is the alone slight wobble (if you don't apperception a artificial casing), but it will about endure a day beneath accustomed conditions, and that's a solid abundant criterion for us.
16. Motorola Razr I

Motorola's done a acceptable job with the Razr i. It's taken a band that refuses to die quietly, injected it with a little bit of pizzaz and befuddled it appropriate out there for all and sundry.
The actuality that you can aggrandize the accumulator by up to 64GB makes this an adorable option. And it's an simple buzz to use after too abundant customisation to abash Android newbies. Plus, it works able-bodied as a phone, with acceptable signal, and provides you with a top notch, fast internet service.
And let's not overlook about that screen: with the bend to bend display, it absolutely ancestor and fizzes in the palm, with the Super AMOLED affectation impressing.
15. Samsung Galaxy S2

This above bulk one buzz in the apple continues to accelerate down the rankings, admitting still accepting a appropriate section of hardware. That's not to yield annihilation abroad from a arise buzz that is accepting to a absolutely low bulk these days, but it's annihilation compared to its almsman (and consecutive sequel).
Make no aberration - this is still a abundant phone, acknowledgment to the Ice Cream Sandwich update, and the architecture has confused from air-conditioned to iconic appealing quickly. On top of that the Jelly Bean amend is rolling out apace for this ageing phone, which agency for the money you can buy it for, it's still a appropriate choice.
Don't go for a two year arrangement admitting - you could end up application a buzz that's advancing hald-a-decade old.
What we adulation about the Samsung Galaxy S II is the arduous bulk of being that's arranged in beneath the anatomy - but added important is the way Samsung has acclimated all that tech to actualize a buzz that just works near-flawlessly.
The dual-core 1.2GHz processor, the Super AMOLED additional awning and the accomplished sonic achievement of the media amateur are still acceptable abundant for use, if you're not agitated about bleeding-edge speed.
Recording in 1080p is a nice blow (given that it in fact works a lot of of the time) and the camera is added than abundant to yield abundant shots in a abbreviate amplitude of time - although we advance you analysis out the phones college in this account for added able snappers.
In short, be it internet browsing, navigation, media, or amusing networking- the Samsung Galaxy S2 is still added than acceptable abundant for all those functions in one phone.
14.Sony Xperia T

The Sony Xperia T took over from the Sony Xperia S as the Japanese company's new flagship device, but borrows the architecture begin on the popular, but now crumbling Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and Arc S.
Now the Xperia Z has emerged as the aboriginal 'true' Sony phone, there's no agnosticism this handset's time in the sun is setting, but as 007's buzz of best it still one to analysis out, acknowledgment to candied architecture and innards.
It runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and is powered by a 1.5GHz dual-core processor, with a 4.6-inch affectation boasting Sony's Bravia TV technology and on the aback of the handset you'll acquisition the 13MP camera – one of this phone's best features.
Jelly Bean is getting delivered for this buzz in the abreast approaching too, so you will not end up with endure year's software if you still adorned spending on Sony.
That getting said, if compared with the beforehand Sony Xperia S, or some of the added flagship Android handsets, the aberration is negligible.
13. HTC One X+

The HTC One X was an odd handset - not in the architecture (lovely) or the appearance (top-end) - but that it's apparent as a 'renaissance' buzz for the firm, admitting its success in such a abbreviate time.
It took that design, threw out the $.25 that don't plan and had addition go... while abacus a '+' on the end to appearance it's all new and shiny.
It's addressed accumulator apropos and bigger web browser ability and the consistently reliable HTC keyboard – although the array is still a bit of a abscessed point.
Obviously now the HTC One has popped up, this buzz is abundant beneath accordant than it already was... but camera and architecture abreast it's not a actor afar abroad from the absorbing force of the One.
The beefed up processor forth with the Android 4.1 and Sense 4+ UI updates makes the One X+ an even slicker, smoother and added able chump than its earlier brother.
The already accomplished HTC keyboard has already afresh been accustomed added improvements authoritative it even bigger and for the aboriginal time we didn't feel the charge to download an another from Google Play – acclaim HTC - and LOOK! It comes in red and atramentous with 64GB of storage.
12. BlackBerry Z10

BlackBerry is aback - there's no agnosticism about that afterwards the huge barrage of the BlackBerry Z10 and it's new BB10 operating system. The lateness of said barrage acquired some to catechism the appliance of the phones, but there's no agnosticism it's still a buzz that ticks a lot of boxes.
The BlackBerry Z10's Peek function, absorbing camera appearance and adeptness to action you a plan and activity balance, which will address to a lot of humans who attempt to backpack about two handsets if the appointment will not let you accompany the iPhone in.
The Z10 has a superior accomplishment as able-bodied as a able interface, and the abundant storage, disposable array and Adobe Flash abutment are all baby wins for the Z10 and will advice as it tries to angle out in a awash market.
11.LG Optimos X4 HD

If it hadn't been for the Galaxy S3 and the HTC One X, there is no agnosticism about it – the LG Optimus 4X HD would be one of the best phones out there, already aloft a time. Its specs are fantastic.
The agitation is, LG has appear this handset just too late, which agency it doesn't action annihilation alarming or absolutely that alternative.
However, it's a media powerhouse, has glassy curve and has ability in spades - additional a bigger array than the One X, with the aforementioned chipset.
In summary, we do acclaim it – it's a arise section of kit. And if you can get it on a acceptable accord (of which there are abounding appropriate now), we say 'go for it', but there's no absolute acumen to aces this over a Samsung Galaxy SIII, an HTC One X or even a One S, with the endure advantage impressing badly on the architecture front.
10. Nokia Lumia 920

What's bigger than a top Windows Phone 7 handset? A Windows Phone 8 one, and we've got no advisedly about cogent you this is the best Windows Phone out there.
Simplicity is the key here, the Lumia 920 does the basics well, from acquaintance affiliation and calling, to web browsing and messaging. The camera is market-leading, and offers accomplished achievement from low-light to agitated videos.
The 8MP camera on the aback of the Lumia 920 is in fact one of the best we've used, and for anyone searching to get a top end cameraphone: you charge to actively accede this Nokia, although the HTC One is advancing on its territory.
9. HTC One S

There are few phones we play with area we anticipate that we accept the complete amalgamation and would appropriately accord 5 stars. The HTC One S would accept had 5 stars had it not been for the 16GB anamnesis cap and non-HD screen.
Of course, it's accepting on a bit in smartphone agreement now, but it goes advanced of the HTC One X+ acknowledgment to a) a lower price, b) a new Jelly Bean amend and a architecture that we anticipate betters even the HTC One. It's micro-arc oxidisation, and we claiming you to acquisition one being who owns this buzz who doesn't adulation the feel of the back.
It's not got a alluringly top resolution screen, the centralized anamnesis isn't acceptable abundant for abounding and it apparently will not go aloft Jelly Bean in agreement of software.
But let's not get bent up with negativity here: if you're not agitated about a massive anamnesis (which a lot of humans aren't), you apparently can't do abundant bigger now for a mid-range phone. The HTC One S is a admirable handset adored with admirable capabilities and is accessible at actual acceptable amount points.
8. Nokia Lumia 520

The Nokia Lumia 520, abundant like its big brother the Nokia Lumia 620, is a jack of all trades and a adept of none - although it absolutely manages to accomplish a acceptable anchor of aggregate it tries, for the price.
It looks good, it's got a appropriate awning both in agreement of admeasurement and resolution, it rarely stutters or slows down, it's abundant for calls and messaging, reasonable for media and accept for photos.
To accomplish a lower amount point the 520 has had to band abroad a few things - there's no NFC, compass, camera beam or foreground adverse camera here.
But on the added duke it's aswell got a bigger screen, a beyond battery, a sleeker, slimmer, lighter body and the aforementioned processor and RAM as the Nokia Lumia 620, so in abounding means it's in fact better.
Combine that with a lower amount tag and we account that this just ability be the best access akin Windows Phone 8 handset that you can buy and absolutely the best value.
7.Samsung Galaxy S3

With the Samsung Galaxy S4 now launched, the S3 has predictably collapsed down the rankings acknowledgment to there accepting a bigger buzz to recommend.
But don't worry: the S3 is still a amazing phone: it's got every affectionate of affection we could ask for and more, and aloft the bar already afresh in agreement of what consumers should be assured in agreement of array life, processor acceleration and media management.
Would we acclaim you buy one if you're ache for a atom of Samsung? Yes, but alone if you're aggravating to save money, as the S4 is a abundant bigger adaptation of this buzz indeed.
Price isn't the alone acumen the Samsung Galaxy S3 is aces of application though. Smart Stay, Super AMOLED HD screen, up to 128GB storage, Music Hub, disposable battery, quick camera... we're accepting annoyed advertisement all the abundant things it does.
The architecture didn't affect us as abundant as if we aboriginal laid eyes on the S2, but that's the alone big affair we could acquisition - and it's accurate accepted abundant for MILLIONS of you to accept bought it appropriately far, assuming that it's still a acid bend smartphone for some.
With Android 4.2 on the way as well, there's still activity in this once-leading buzz - just accomplish abiding you analysis out the S4 first
6.Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Many (including us, we admit) were not assertive if the aboriginal Samsung Galaxy Note launched. Who on apple would wish something so big to accomplish their calls and cream the internet, even with a adored stylus? Cue awkward silence.
Millions of you, it would appear. The Galaxy Note awash by the bucketload, so how do you chase that up? With something better, of advance - the Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Faster, stronger, bigger looking, and added functional, the Galaxy Note 2 is bigger affiliated than ever, and acknowledgment to that added awning admeasurement (up to an eye-bulging 5.5-inches), is, a part of abounding things, a superior media player.
Samsung has accomplished something appropriate here, because it has fabricated the Galaxy Note 2 bigger than the original, but pulls it off so that you don't apprehension it too abundant and anyway, it's the appearance that accomplish it so amazing.
Air View, Multi-window, a berth that can about-face it into a fully-fledged computer - it's all here, people, and while the Galaxy S4 builds on top of it nicely, for the larger-screened ambit this is the king.
And it's absolutely added able than the old Ascend G300, with hardly any glitches if downloading/updating apps and abyssal the buzz at the aforementioned time.
It delivers a abundant smartphone acquaintance for the money with hardly any accessible compromises.
19. Samsung Ativ S
Thanks to an accomplished build, acceptable specs, able-bodied accumulator and an accessible physique design, the Ativ S is an accomplished WP8 option.
While Windows Phone 8 is absolutely absent in the app department, it's still a affluent abundant eco-system for many, and the glassy curve of the Ativ S admonish us accurately of added high-end Samsung phones.
Samsung has absolutely one-upped the antagonism by including a disposable battery, and added importantly, microSD storage. One of our better complaints with the HTC 8X was its paltry 16GB of amplitude and abridgement of disposable storage.
18. Motorola Razr HD
Motorola ability not be anywhere abreast the aciculate end of the smartphone bazaar these canicule (or, indeed, ever) but it still makes a half-decent anchor of a mid-range smartphone.
While this buzz lacks in some areas (let's be honest: a bifold amount processor doesn't get anyone's affection antagonism any more, admitting getting able to handle a lot of tasks you can bandy at it) it still has a bright screen, a simple OS and a absolutely able array at its heart.
Many will be taken by the about banal Android belvedere it uses, and the actuality it's got an added HDMI anchorage agency it's simple to accompany your buzz up to a big screen.
It doesn't amount the earth, which is a key application as able-bodied in these financially-addled times - although you can get a Galaxy S3 for the aforementioned money.
17. Sony Xiperia Z
We acclimated to adulation the Xperia Arc S - but we're a arbitrary bunch, and now Ericsson has been casting aside, we're all over the new cast like a cat on a beginning set of curtains.
The Xperia S about has too abounding absolute credibility to list, with a HD screen, 12MP camera and dual-core processor all accumulation to accomplish one of the finest smartphones of 2012.
As you will accumulate from our review, the Sony Xperia S has both a superior awning and a dual-core processor that never slows down - additional that 12MP camera is still added than half-decent.
Sony has aswell actual attentive arranged lots of software with the Xperia S out of the box, which saves you accepting to birr to Google Play as anon as you about-face on to grab basic apps.
Battery activity is the alone slight wobble (if you don't apperception a artificial casing), but it will about endure a day beneath accustomed conditions, and that's a solid abundant criterion for us.
16. Motorola Razr I
Motorola's done a acceptable job with the Razr i. It's taken a band that refuses to die quietly, injected it with a little bit of pizzaz and befuddled it appropriate out there for all and sundry.
The actuality that you can aggrandize the accumulator by up to 64GB makes this an adorable option. And it's an simple buzz to use after too abundant customisation to abash Android newbies. Plus, it works able-bodied as a phone, with acceptable signal, and provides you with a top notch, fast internet service.
And let's not overlook about that screen: with the bend to bend display, it absolutely ancestor and fizzes in the palm, with the Super AMOLED affectation impressing.
15. Samsung Galaxy S2
This above bulk one buzz in the apple continues to accelerate down the rankings, admitting still accepting a appropriate section of hardware. That's not to yield annihilation abroad from a arise buzz that is accepting to a absolutely low bulk these days, but it's annihilation compared to its almsman (and consecutive sequel).
Make no aberration - this is still a abundant phone, acknowledgment to the Ice Cream Sandwich update, and the architecture has confused from air-conditioned to iconic appealing quickly. On top of that the Jelly Bean amend is rolling out apace for this ageing phone, which agency for the money you can buy it for, it's still a appropriate choice.
Don't go for a two year arrangement admitting - you could end up application a buzz that's advancing hald-a-decade old.
What we adulation about the Samsung Galaxy S II is the arduous bulk of being that's arranged in beneath the anatomy - but added important is the way Samsung has acclimated all that tech to actualize a buzz that just works near-flawlessly.
The dual-core 1.2GHz processor, the Super AMOLED additional awning and the accomplished sonic achievement of the media amateur are still acceptable abundant for use, if you're not agitated about bleeding-edge speed.
Recording in 1080p is a nice blow (given that it in fact works a lot of of the time) and the camera is added than abundant to yield abundant shots in a abbreviate amplitude of time - although we advance you analysis out the phones college in this account for added able snappers.
In short, be it internet browsing, navigation, media, or amusing networking- the Samsung Galaxy S2 is still added than acceptable abundant for all those functions in one phone.
14.Sony Xperia T
The Sony Xperia T took over from the Sony Xperia S as the Japanese company's new flagship device, but borrows the architecture begin on the popular, but now crumbling Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and Arc S.
Now the Xperia Z has emerged as the aboriginal 'true' Sony phone, there's no agnosticism this handset's time in the sun is setting, but as 007's buzz of best it still one to analysis out, acknowledgment to candied architecture and innards.
It runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and is powered by a 1.5GHz dual-core processor, with a 4.6-inch affectation boasting Sony's Bravia TV technology and on the aback of the handset you'll acquisition the 13MP camera – one of this phone's best features.
Jelly Bean is getting delivered for this buzz in the abreast approaching too, so you will not end up with endure year's software if you still adorned spending on Sony.
That getting said, if compared with the beforehand Sony Xperia S, or some of the added flagship Android handsets, the aberration is negligible.
13. HTC One X+
The HTC One X was an odd handset - not in the architecture (lovely) or the appearance (top-end) - but that it's apparent as a 'renaissance' buzz for the firm, admitting its success in such a abbreviate time.
It took that design, threw out the $.25 that don't plan and had addition go... while abacus a '+' on the end to appearance it's all new and shiny.
It's addressed accumulator apropos and bigger web browser ability and the consistently reliable HTC keyboard – although the array is still a bit of a abscessed point.
Obviously now the HTC One has popped up, this buzz is abundant beneath accordant than it already was... but camera and architecture abreast it's not a actor afar abroad from the absorbing force of the One.
The beefed up processor forth with the Android 4.1 and Sense 4+ UI updates makes the One X+ an even slicker, smoother and added able chump than its earlier brother.
The already accomplished HTC keyboard has already afresh been accustomed added improvements authoritative it even bigger and for the aboriginal time we didn't feel the charge to download an another from Google Play – acclaim HTC - and LOOK! It comes in red and atramentous with 64GB of storage.
12. BlackBerry Z10
BlackBerry is aback - there's no agnosticism about that afterwards the huge barrage of the BlackBerry Z10 and it's new BB10 operating system. The lateness of said barrage acquired some to catechism the appliance of the phones, but there's no agnosticism it's still a buzz that ticks a lot of boxes.
The BlackBerry Z10's Peek function, absorbing camera appearance and adeptness to action you a plan and activity balance, which will address to a lot of humans who attempt to backpack about two handsets if the appointment will not let you accompany the iPhone in.
The Z10 has a superior accomplishment as able-bodied as a able interface, and the abundant storage, disposable array and Adobe Flash abutment are all baby wins for the Z10 and will advice as it tries to angle out in a awash market.
11.LG Optimos X4 HD
If it hadn't been for the Galaxy S3 and the HTC One X, there is no agnosticism about it – the LG Optimus 4X HD would be one of the best phones out there, already aloft a time. Its specs are fantastic.
The agitation is, LG has appear this handset just too late, which agency it doesn't action annihilation alarming or absolutely that alternative.
However, it's a media powerhouse, has glassy curve and has ability in spades - additional a bigger array than the One X, with the aforementioned chipset.
In summary, we do acclaim it – it's a arise section of kit. And if you can get it on a acceptable accord (of which there are abounding appropriate now), we say 'go for it', but there's no absolute acumen to aces this over a Samsung Galaxy SIII, an HTC One X or even a One S, with the endure advantage impressing badly on the architecture front.
10. Nokia Lumia 920
What's bigger than a top Windows Phone 7 handset? A Windows Phone 8 one, and we've got no advisedly about cogent you this is the best Windows Phone out there.
Simplicity is the key here, the Lumia 920 does the basics well, from acquaintance affiliation and calling, to web browsing and messaging. The camera is market-leading, and offers accomplished achievement from low-light to agitated videos.
The 8MP camera on the aback of the Lumia 920 is in fact one of the best we've used, and for anyone searching to get a top end cameraphone: you charge to actively accede this Nokia, although the HTC One is advancing on its territory.
The 4.5-inch display is also a good'un, crisp and clear it makes watching movies, surfing the web or Facebook stalking an enjoyable experience, thanks to the PureMotion HD technology on offer.
And you can even use it with gloves on... what more could you want? You're right: hologram messages. But they don't exist yet.
9. HTC One S
There are few phones we play with area we anticipate that we accept the complete amalgamation and would appropriately accord 5 stars. The HTC One S would accept had 5 stars had it not been for the 16GB anamnesis cap and non-HD screen.
Of course, it's accepting on a bit in smartphone agreement now, but it goes advanced of the HTC One X+ acknowledgment to a) a lower price, b) a new Jelly Bean amend and a architecture that we anticipate betters even the HTC One. It's micro-arc oxidisation, and we claiming you to acquisition one being who owns this buzz who doesn't adulation the feel of the back.
It's not got a alluringly top resolution screen, the centralized anamnesis isn't acceptable abundant for abounding and it apparently will not go aloft Jelly Bean in agreement of software.
But let's not get bent up with negativity here: if you're not agitated about a massive anamnesis (which a lot of humans aren't), you apparently can't do abundant bigger now for a mid-range phone. The HTC One S is a admirable handset adored with admirable capabilities and is accessible at actual acceptable amount points.
8. Nokia Lumia 520
The Nokia Lumia 520, abundant like its big brother the Nokia Lumia 620, is a jack of all trades and a adept of none - although it absolutely manages to accomplish a acceptable anchor of aggregate it tries, for the price.
It looks good, it's got a appropriate awning both in agreement of admeasurement and resolution, it rarely stutters or slows down, it's abundant for calls and messaging, reasonable for media and accept for photos.
To accomplish a lower amount point the 520 has had to band abroad a few things - there's no NFC, compass, camera beam or foreground adverse camera here.
But on the added duke it's aswell got a bigger screen, a beyond battery, a sleeker, slimmer, lighter body and the aforementioned processor and RAM as the Nokia Lumia 620, so in abounding means it's in fact better.
Combine that with a lower amount tag and we account that this just ability be the best access akin Windows Phone 8 handset that you can buy and absolutely the best value.
7.Samsung Galaxy S3
With the Samsung Galaxy S4 now launched, the S3 has predictably collapsed down the rankings acknowledgment to there accepting a bigger buzz to recommend.
But don't worry: the S3 is still a amazing phone: it's got every affectionate of affection we could ask for and more, and aloft the bar already afresh in agreement of what consumers should be assured in agreement of array life, processor acceleration and media management.
Would we acclaim you buy one if you're ache for a atom of Samsung? Yes, but alone if you're aggravating to save money, as the S4 is a abundant bigger adaptation of this buzz indeed.
Price isn't the alone acumen the Samsung Galaxy S3 is aces of application though. Smart Stay, Super AMOLED HD screen, up to 128GB storage, Music Hub, disposable battery, quick camera... we're accepting annoyed advertisement all the abundant things it does.
The architecture didn't affect us as abundant as if we aboriginal laid eyes on the S2, but that's the alone big affair we could acquisition - and it's accurate accepted abundant for MILLIONS of you to accept bought it appropriately far, assuming that it's still a acid bend smartphone for some.
With Android 4.2 on the way as well, there's still activity in this once-leading buzz - just accomplish abiding you analysis out the S4 first
6.Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Many (including us, we admit) were not assertive if the aboriginal Samsung Galaxy Note launched. Who on apple would wish something so big to accomplish their calls and cream the internet, even with a adored stylus? Cue awkward silence.
Millions of you, it would appear. The Galaxy Note awash by the bucketload, so how do you chase that up? With something better, of advance - the Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Faster, stronger, bigger looking, and added functional, the Galaxy Note 2 is bigger affiliated than ever, and acknowledgment to that added awning admeasurement (up to an eye-bulging 5.5-inches), is, a part of abounding things, a superior media player.
Samsung has accomplished something appropriate here, because it has fabricated the Galaxy Note 2 bigger than the original, but pulls it off so that you don't apprehension it too abundant and anyway, it's the appearance that accomplish it so amazing.
Air View, Multi-window, a berth that can about-face it into a fully-fledged computer - it's all here, people, and while the Galaxy S4 builds on top of it nicely, for the larger-screened ambit this is the king.
5.Google Nexus 4
Google and LG accept formed calm to accompany to bazaar a absurd offering, one that even Apple admirers can't advice but coo over if they apprehend the price.
The actuality of the amount is that this is a handset with apple chic specs – yet it's at a amount you'd apprehend to get a account buzz for. Sure, there are a few things that could accept been done better, but the positives absolutely outweigh the negatives.
The Nexus 4 is beautifully advised with a beauteous affectation and agitation the latest adaptation of Android. It has added connectivity than a blast barter and even excels in the simple amount of authoritative calls.
We're not admirers of the lower anamnesis allowance, and it's not got the best awning on the market, and there will be a few that see banal Android 4.2 as too stripped-down to accede it a accurate buzz OS choice; added a belvedere for the big hitters to body on.
But that doesn't beggarly it's not a absurd handset - it would accept competed even after the crazily low amount tag.
4 .iPhone 5

Did you see this one coming? The iPhone 5 now abaft three added Android phones in our rankings? Some anticipate it should be higher, some anticipate lower - it depends on your akin of Apple love.
Never has a aggregation polarised assessment in the smartphone apple like Apple - and with the iPhone 5, so abounding are quick to abuse it while others apperceive it to be the smartphone they've been cat-and-mouse for.
And let's accomplish no basic about it: this is a beauteous phone, with a attractive two-tone finish, a high-res awning that's been continued to four inches and an able yet able core.
The iOS 6 amend is a acceptable one, and while some feel it to be ageing slightly, abounding see it as accomplishing absolutely what they want... and accustomed Apple has congenital it smartphone acceptability on simplicity, this makes sense.
However, it's not all accolade and chrism for Apple, as it's ditched the Google Maps app for something that's not as glossy or abounding in its own Maps app, which had some issues at birth. However, it's absolutely best up added recently, and you can just download Google Maps anyhow if you don't wish to yield the risk.
The capital botheration we accept with this phone, blueprint account aside, is the actuality the iPhone 5 is STILL actual expensive... we're not abiding how such sky top prices can be answerable if agnate smartphones are accessible on the market.
3.Sony Xperia Z

\Sony's new handset is a lot of absolutely the a lot of absorbing the abutting has launched either in its accepted guise or as Sony Ericsson. The latest handset should consistently be the best, obviously, but the Xperia Z is a real, absolute footfall forward.
You can see the Sony access throughout the handset as it oozes superior and body from the ample screen, which fits abutting to the edges of the bezel, to the able camera that allows you to breeze some absolutely exceptional photos after defective to dabble about with the settings.
And it's baptize and dust aggressive too, which makes it accomplished for accepted activity business. There's a assertive abandon that comes from alive that the heart-stopping moment of your buzz falling in a pint of beer is gone for good.
It's aswell packing a microSD agenda aperture in an impossibly attenuate chassis, for which we acclaim the buzz even higher. Add to that the Bravia Engine 2, which can flush accepted analogue movies and accompany your agreeable to life, and you've got a absolute matchwinning buzz in your hands.
There will be an clamor from abounding that admiration how it's managed to ascend aloft the iPhone - we deliberated for a continued time amid the two, but the actuality is that blueprint for spec, the Xperia Z beats the iPhone 5 down.
It's not all about the numbers though, which is why the actuality the Xperia Z uses those specs so able-bodied - a crisper video experience, a added able camera, getting waterproof, abundant anamnesis - gives it the addition it bare to access the top three.
2. Samsung Galaxy S4

All change at the top! Samsung managed to authority off HTC at the top in 2012, but this year the absolute stylings of the HTC One accepted too able adjoin a buzz that's a slightly-better-version of its predecessor.
Well, that's not absolutely fair - it's alone in looks that it's too similar, and acutely that was one of the better issues a lot of users had with the S3. It's not the world's better smartphone crime, but it's abundant to accumulate it from the top spot.
There's a lot, a lot, to adulation with the Samsung Galaxy S4 though: whether it's a able camera, a ablaze screen, a abiding array or just a aqueous experience, there's aggregate you could wish in a smartphone appropriate here.
The amount is a tad college than on added smartphones, but thankfully still cheaper than iPhone level. If alone it was fabricated out of something a little added premium..
1. HTC One

Well, here's something of a shock if you're a Samsung fan “ afterwards about two years of dominance, the Korean cast has collapsed from the top spot.
It's annihilation to do with the superior of the S4 – an outstanding buzz in anyone's book – but added the actuality HTC has managed to accompany out a smartphone that's aces of any user's consideration.
The absolute aluminium chassis, the Full HD awning and the simplified adaptation of Sense 5.0 sitting on top of Android Jelly Bean agency it's a amusement to use and acclaim this handset.
The new innovations are aswell affably added than just business gimmicks; Zoe functionality allows the conception of adorable video highlight reels, and the Ultrapixel camera agency you've got a abundant added ambit of shots accessible acknowledgment to getting beauteous in low light.
The alone acumen this isn't a 5 brilliant buzz is the hardly abnormal battery, which can aperture abstract if you're power-creating videos or watching abundance of video, but for day to day use it will be adequate for most. We've aswell got top hopes a contempo software amend could accept apparent this little brain-teaser as well, acceptation you could see addition 5 brilliant buzz access the affray shortly.
The actuality of the amount is that this is a handset with apple chic specs – yet it's at a amount you'd apprehend to get a account buzz for. Sure, there are a few things that could accept been done better, but the positives absolutely outweigh the negatives.
The Nexus 4 is beautifully advised with a beauteous affectation and agitation the latest adaptation of Android. It has added connectivity than a blast barter and even excels in the simple amount of authoritative calls.
We're not admirers of the lower anamnesis allowance, and it's not got the best awning on the market, and there will be a few that see banal Android 4.2 as too stripped-down to accede it a accurate buzz OS choice; added a belvedere for the big hitters to body on.
But that doesn't beggarly it's not a absurd handset - it would accept competed even after the crazily low amount tag.
4 .iPhone 5
Did you see this one coming? The iPhone 5 now abaft three added Android phones in our rankings? Some anticipate it should be higher, some anticipate lower - it depends on your akin of Apple love.
Never has a aggregation polarised assessment in the smartphone apple like Apple - and with the iPhone 5, so abounding are quick to abuse it while others apperceive it to be the smartphone they've been cat-and-mouse for.
And let's accomplish no basic about it: this is a beauteous phone, with a attractive two-tone finish, a high-res awning that's been continued to four inches and an able yet able core.
The iOS 6 amend is a acceptable one, and while some feel it to be ageing slightly, abounding see it as accomplishing absolutely what they want... and accustomed Apple has congenital it smartphone acceptability on simplicity, this makes sense.
However, it's not all accolade and chrism for Apple, as it's ditched the Google Maps app for something that's not as glossy or abounding in its own Maps app, which had some issues at birth. However, it's absolutely best up added recently, and you can just download Google Maps anyhow if you don't wish to yield the risk.
The capital botheration we accept with this phone, blueprint account aside, is the actuality the iPhone 5 is STILL actual expensive... we're not abiding how such sky top prices can be answerable if agnate smartphones are accessible on the market.
3.Sony Xperia Z
\Sony's new handset is a lot of absolutely the a lot of absorbing the abutting has launched either in its accepted guise or as Sony Ericsson. The latest handset should consistently be the best, obviously, but the Xperia Z is a real, absolute footfall forward.
You can see the Sony access throughout the handset as it oozes superior and body from the ample screen, which fits abutting to the edges of the bezel, to the able camera that allows you to breeze some absolutely exceptional photos after defective to dabble about with the settings.
And it's baptize and dust aggressive too, which makes it accomplished for accepted activity business. There's a assertive abandon that comes from alive that the heart-stopping moment of your buzz falling in a pint of beer is gone for good.
It's aswell packing a microSD agenda aperture in an impossibly attenuate chassis, for which we acclaim the buzz even higher. Add to that the Bravia Engine 2, which can flush accepted analogue movies and accompany your agreeable to life, and you've got a absolute matchwinning buzz in your hands.
There will be an clamor from abounding that admiration how it's managed to ascend aloft the iPhone - we deliberated for a continued time amid the two, but the actuality is that blueprint for spec, the Xperia Z beats the iPhone 5 down.
It's not all about the numbers though, which is why the actuality the Xperia Z uses those specs so able-bodied - a crisper video experience, a added able camera, getting waterproof, abundant anamnesis - gives it the addition it bare to access the top three.
2. Samsung Galaxy S4
All change at the top! Samsung managed to authority off HTC at the top in 2012, but this year the absolute stylings of the HTC One accepted too able adjoin a buzz that's a slightly-better-version of its predecessor.
Well, that's not absolutely fair - it's alone in looks that it's too similar, and acutely that was one of the better issues a lot of users had with the S3. It's not the world's better smartphone crime, but it's abundant to accumulate it from the top spot.
There's a lot, a lot, to adulation with the Samsung Galaxy S4 though: whether it's a able camera, a ablaze screen, a abiding array or just a aqueous experience, there's aggregate you could wish in a smartphone appropriate here.
The amount is a tad college than on added smartphones, but thankfully still cheaper than iPhone level. If alone it was fabricated out of something a little added premium..
1. HTC One
Well, here's something of a shock if you're a Samsung fan “ afterwards about two years of dominance, the Korean cast has collapsed from the top spot.
It's annihilation to do with the superior of the S4 – an outstanding buzz in anyone's book – but added the actuality HTC has managed to accompany out a smartphone that's aces of any user's consideration.
The absolute aluminium chassis, the Full HD awning and the simplified adaptation of Sense 5.0 sitting on top of Android Jelly Bean agency it's a amusement to use and acclaim this handset.
The new innovations are aswell affably added than just business gimmicks; Zoe functionality allows the conception of adorable video highlight reels, and the Ultrapixel camera agency you've got a abundant added ambit of shots accessible acknowledgment to getting beauteous in low light.
The alone acumen this isn't a 5 brilliant buzz is the hardly abnormal battery, which can aperture abstract if you're power-creating videos or watching abundance of video, but for day to day use it will be adequate for most. We've aswell got top hopes a contempo software amend could accept apparent this little brain-teaser as well, acceptation you could see addition 5 brilliant buzz access the affray shortly.
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